Parent Coaching Programs

If you want to raise emotionally healthy kids without losing your sh*t, you're in the right place.

Ages 3-11

The Emotionally Healthy Kids program is a 6-week private parent coaching program where you get simple solutions that actually work to improve your kid’s behavior and make being a parent easier.

This program includes six 1-hour sessions with Darlynn, 90-day access to the Calm Mama online course, a copy of the Calm Mama handbook, and email support between sessions.

This is the program for you if you want to practice gentle and connected parenting, but get stuck by confusion, overwhelm, and your own emotions. Couples welcome. 


Ages 12-19

The Emotionally Healthy Teen program is a 6-week private parenting program where you get tools to support your teen’s emotional health and strengthen your relationship.

This program includes six 1-hour sessions with Darlynn, The Raising Teens Masterclass,  a copy of the Raising Teens handbook, and email support between sessions.

This is the program for you if you are struggling with your relationship with your teenager and not sure how to make things better. Couples weclome. 


Just For Moms

The Get Calm program is a 6-week private parent coaching program where you uncover the roots of "mom rage" and heal your triggers so you can show up as the mom you're meant to be.

This program includes six 1-hour sessions with Darlynn, the Crash Course To Calm online course, the Self-Care For Moms online course, the Calm Mama Handbook, and The Calm Mama Journal. 

This is the program for you if you're struggling to stop yelling and want to lessen the drama in our house, model emotional regulations skills, and feel better as a mom. 


Calm Mama Club

The Calm Mama Club is a monthly membership with all the tools and support you need to get calm and raise emotionally healthy kids.

This program includes the Calm Mama Handbook, Calm Mama Journal, weekly live group coaching, Calm Mama courses and a monthly Parenting Teens Support Group.

This is the program for you if want to get out of pain, sadness and overwhelm so you can enjoy your kids and get the peace that's missing.


Schedule Your Consultation

This session is your opportunity to talk with a life coach & relationship expert about your family. I will listen to you and help you understand why you are where you are in your life and family. We will talk about what you really want and I'll show you what needs to change to make that happen. You will leave this session knowing exactly what to do to get more peace, joy and calm in your life and family.

The Calm Mama Coaching Philosophy

The goal of Calm Mama Parenting is to raise emotionally healthy adults.

In Calm Mama Coaching, we work towards raising an emotionally healthy adult who has these qualities.

  • Knows how to cope with all emotions in healthy ways. 
  • Has good relationships with themselves, with their parents, and with others.
  • They trust themselves and are willing to take risks to achieve their goals. 
  • Knows their worth as a human is not based on performance or external behavior.
  • Takes personal responsibility for their actions and behaviors. 

In Calm Mama Coaching, we create an emotionally healthy environment by using The Calm Mama Process.

  1. CALM: A parent who is committed to their emotional health. Managing and regulating your own reactivity is KEY to being a calm and gentle parent. Getting to "calm" is a major component of Calm Mama Coaching.
  2. CONNECT: Skills to cope with emotions in healthy ways are modeled and taught. Having a simple way to connect with your kid's feelings, and tools to emotionally coach your kid, will help them learn to manage their feelings in respectful ways. Becoming your kid's emotional coach is the primary goal of Calm Mama Coaching. 
  3. LIMIT SET: Limits & boundaries are clearly communicated and held. I teach parents a model for establishing limits and routines that gets kids to listen without repeating, reminding, rescuing, shaming or blaming. 
  4. CORRECT: A shame- free environment where it' s ok to make mistakes & learn from them. Shame-free consequences that actually teach personal responsibility is a foundational principle in Calm Mama Coaching. 


In the Calm Mama Coaching programs, you get a simple parenting model to validate your child's emotions, teach them better ways to express their emotions, set firm boundaries, while staying calm and connected to your kids. 

"I LOVE being coached by you—it has truly made a huge impact in my life. I truly feel that the last few weeks—there has been a “shift”in my life, in the kids, how I parent… it’s been so so so GOOD—and something that I can see we have all benefited from. I can SEE and feel the benefits. Thank you so much."

Netanya Dennis
Mom of 7 & 12 year old boys

"I really loved how grounded this class was, and the practical things I could start implementing TODAY. Before, I was lost at how to respond to my enraged 4 year old. I knew I wanted him to be comfortable talking about his emotions so he doesn't grow up to have unhealthy behavior later. The big aha for me, was how important the connecting part is. I often want to skip into the 'problem solving' mode and right to boundaries and limits, but I needed to remember he's looking to me for emotional connection. Highly recommend this program for those who want to have real relationships with their kids: it starts early."

Natalie Morse
Mom of 3 Kids Under 5