Hi! I'm Darlynn Childress

I'm a parent coach who helps moms know how to handle misbehavior with gentleness and without yelling. It's possible. 

The Calm Mama Club is a parenting mentorship program with all the tools and support you need to get calm and raise emotionally healthy kids.



In Calm Mama Club, you learn the Calm Mama Process.

This isn’t a program that works just for toddlers, or while your kids are in elementary school, or for teens. 

The Calm Mama Process is a parenting model that you only learn once and then apply it over and over for years and years.

The Calm Mama Process is a simple 4-step parenting system. 

The 4 steps of the Calm Mama Process are CALM. CONNECT. LIMIT SET. CORRECT.

Calm: addresses why you get upset in the first place, and gives you simple tools to quickly move from overwhelm to calm.

Connect: gives you deep insight into why your kid is acting the way they are acting, and simple strategies to coach them through their feelings and actions so they change their behavior from the inside out.

Limit Set: teaches you how to get your kids to listen to you, without you having to repeat yourself 5x, and giving them a bunch of reminders.

Correct: helps you be ok when your kid makes a mistake because you know what to do and you know mistakes are good.

Whenever any circumstance or behavior happens, you’ll use the Calm Mama Process to resolve the situation in a peaceful, mutually respectful way.

Inside Calm Mama Club You Get:

Live Weekly Group Coaching

In weekly Calm Mama Club Meetings with Darlynn, you can get the exact support you need (and maybe learn something from someone else's coaching that you didn’t even consider).

Calm Mama Library

On-demand and exclusive access to The Calm Mama course. In this program, you get a step by step process to managing your emotions, plus, scripts, tools and strategies to teach your kids what to do with big feelings, set limits that work and follow up with consequences when needed. Plus access to bonus courses and other trainings.

Calm Mama Journal

Curated journaling prompts that walk you through the process of writing out your thoughts and feelings so that you can heal, grow and become the calm mama you want to be.

Parenting Teens Support Group

If you are raising a teen, you won't want to miss this monthly group. Plus, you'll get access to the Parenting Teens Guidebook and additional resources geared toward parents of teens inside the Club portal.

Calm Mama Workbook

Nearly 100 pages of lessons, journal prompts, and exercises to make sure you are progressing and practicing what you are learning.

The Calm Mama Course

Exclusive to Calm Mama Club Members

When you sign up for Calm Mama Club, you’ll receive immediate access to the complete online course where I walk you through the Calm Mama Process. No waiting for modules to unlock. Binge watch the whole course or take it one step at a time – it’s up to you.

Once you join the club, you get access to the whole Calm Mama Library for as long as your subscription is active.



  • Master The Pause Break, which is the tool you need to get you out of your stress response so you can parent from CALM.
  • Learn how to take regular Calm Mama Breaks to decrease your stress.
  • Discover several mindset tools to manage your mind so you feel better and enjoy parenting more.
  • Get calm and neutral about misbehavior


  • Become an emotional coach so your child knows how to manage their emotions in ways that don't cause harm to others 
  • Build your child’s emotional literacy skills with The Connection Tool - a simple 2 step process.
  • Learn to focus on feelings first, instead of behavior first, so you address the root causes of misbehavior 
  • Develop an emotional management toolkit for your individual child

Limit Set 

  • Learn exactly what rules, routines and rhythms work best for your family. 
  • Create a plan for screens, sweets, sleep, school work, showers, self-care, and more.
  • Master The Limit Setting Process, which is a step-by-step process to help you figure out what limits to set, how to set them, and what to do when your kid doesn't keep the limit.
  • Develop parent leadership and become the leader in your family


  • Know exactly what to do when your child makes a mistake and misbehaves
  • Learn how to have a Correction Conversation so your kids become responsible through correcting their mistakes, without punishment or lectures
  • Feel better about letting your kids make mistakes so they learn more lessons
  • Get your kids to think before they act

When you join, you can see results like these...

"My daughter told me she’s proud of me for taking this class. I asked her why and she said, 'Because it shows you care about being better at being a mom. You yell less and when we are having big feelings or bad behavior you take us aside to work through our emotions.'."

—Mori Leshem

“I LOVE being coached by you—it has truly made a huge impact in my life. I truly feel that the last few weeks—there has been a “shift”in my life, in the kids, how I parent… it’s been so so so GOOD—and something that I can see we have all benefited from. I can SEE and feel the benefits. Thank you so much.”

—Netanya Dennis

Featured Bonus Trainings Included:

The Self Care Course

This is THE self care course designed just for moms and an exclusive bonus for Calm Mama Club members.  

  • Why self care matters
  • What self care even means
  • 6 different types of self care activities
  • How to overcome the obstacles to self care
  • Your own personalized self care plan 

The Sibling Course

Get practical tools that decrease sibling conflict.  Exclusive bonus for Calm Mama Club members.  

  • The top 5 reasons kids fight
  • When and when NOT to intervene
  • The 3 levels of sibling conflict
  • Step by Step guidance on how to intervene 
  • Why "saying sorry" is just a starting point

Join Calm Mama Club Now!

Monthly Subscription


automatically billed monthly

  • Immediate access to all modules, templates, worksheets, and program assets
  • THE CALM MAMA HANDBOOK- 113-page digital e-book on how to calm you mind, coach your kids, and set limits that work.
  • THE CALM MAMA JOURNAL- a guided space to write out your thoughts and feelings. 
  • SELF-CARE COURSE- simple course with everything you want to know about how to make time for self care, what works best, why it's important, and MUCH more
  • THE SIBLING CLASS - a step by step guide to managing sibling conflict so you have less of it
  • WEEKLY LIVE coaching 
  • TEEN resources- Monthly Parenting Teens Support Group, Raising Teens Guidebook and other teen-focused trainings.
  • 20 + Video Module Trainings
  • BONUSES including the Stop Yelling Workshop, Plan A Stress-Free Summer, Winter Break Survival, Back To School Reset, and more
I can’t tell you how grateful I am for every single piece of advice you’ve given me. I have always felt so heard and supported by you. I know that it’s your job, but I never felt like I was your work.

—Deb Clark

Working with Darlynn transformed how I think about parenting. Our whole family life has more ease, even though we tackle tough topics more often. We just came back from a family vacation that was one of the best we've had. I'm a happy parent of two teenage girls! I recommend Darlynn's course to all my friends.

—Suzanne Miller

Meet Your Coach: Darlynn Childress

“Peace in my home is missing.” This is what I wrote in my journal when my son was 4 years old.

I was struggling as a mom so much back then. I was shocked by my rage, my resentment, my fear, and the sheer overwhelm of it all.

At my lowest point, I finally admitted I needed help. My decision to figure out a different way of being a mom led me on a twisty-turvy road of healing and learning and growing.

I get it. I've done it. And I'm here to guide you on your own twisty-turvy road of healing and learning and growing.

I do this work because I know the feeling of falling into bed at night, flooded with sadness, anger, disappointment, guilt and regret. I've been the mom who scares herself with the depth of her own anger and gets stuck in shame.

I started this program because I want to help every mom I can get out of her pain, sadness and overwhelm so she can enjoy her kids and get the peace that's missing.

I've been there, Mama. And I know exactly how to get you the peace and calm and hope and joy that you're craving. 

Join Calm Mama Club today to start your twisty-turvy road to healing. I’m ready for you.

Frequently Asked Questions