Holiday Overwhelm
Nov 30, 2022Follow the Show
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Overwhelm often comes from thoughts like…
I have so much to do. I don't know what to do. I'm so behind.
I don't know where to start. I'll never get this all done. I suck.
These are just thoughts. They are sentences in your head. They aren't necessarily true.
But thinking them can lead you to become overwhelmed and self-critical.
Sometimes the simple act of writing all the things down that are in your head can help you feel less overwhelmed.
In this episode I’m walking you through a simple exercise called “The Holiday Thought Dump”
Doing a holiday thought dump helps you clear out all of the jumble of junk in your mind, leaving space for your brain to work out solutions.
Sometimes the key to overwhelm is just about giving your brain one task to solve at a time.
The other cool thing I teach you in today’s episode is the YES list.
What happens when you dump out all the things you “have” to do, is that you can start thinking about the things you want to do!
Kick off December 2022 with hope and clarity, instead of overwhelm and grumpiness.
You’ll Learn:
✅ Where overwhelm comes from
✅ How a holiday thought dump helps give you clarity
✅ Prompts to get you thinking about what you WANT to do this holiday
✅ Permission to stop worrying about other people’s feelings.
Want a copy of the best HOLIDAY PLANNING GUIDE FOR MOMS???
In the Stress-Less Holiday Survival Guide for Moms I’m giving you tools and scripts so you’ll...
- Manage meltdowns with ease so you know what to do and what to say when your kid has big feelings.
- Simple step-by-step process for setting boundaries.
- Take excellent care of yourself, even when your kids are around!
- Design your own personal YES list! Figure out exactly what you do & don't want to do this season.
- Know how to handle it when your boundaries are crossed
Ready to prioritize yourself this holiday season so you feel peace and joy, instead of stress and resentment?
Get your copy of the free guide at https://www.calmmamacoaching.com/holiday_burnout
I want to invite you to start 2023 off with all the support you need to become the mom you want to be, and raise kids who are emotionally healthy.
That’s why I’m inviting you to schedule a discovery session with me.
This is your chance to share your parenting struggles with an expert, who has heard it all, and helped moms just like you become calm and confident.
During the call I listen as you share what's going on with your family, what you've tried, and what's not working.
You share with me what you want to see improve in your family.
We talk about your "blind spots" and what it would be like to work together.
I answer your questions about my parenting philosophy and the 3 ways you can work with me.
Ready to stop yelling?
Get the one simple tool you need to stop yelling at your kids, so you finally feel calmer and connect better.
You'll learn why you yell, how to stop yourself yelling, 40 things to do instead and scripts for what to say to your kid when you yell.