Get Your Copy of the BEST Holiday Planning Guide for Moms!

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Drop mom guilt & be truly present this holiday season 

The Stress-Less Holiday Survival Guide for Moms - Your own downloadable guidebook to make holiday planning simple and less stressful.


Get tools and scripts so you can...


🤯  Manage meltdowns with ease so you know what to do and what to say when your kid has big feelings.


💕 Take excellent care of yourself, even when your kids are around!


🙋‍♀️ Design your own personal YES list! Figure out exactly what you do & don't want to do this season.


🔥 Get a simple step-by-step process for setting boundaries.


🚫 Know how to handle it when your boundaries are crossed.


Prioritize yourself this holiday season so you feel peace and joy, instead of stress and resentment!


Start 2023 filled with joy and energy so you can tackle whatever goals you have for next year.

Get Your Copy of the BEST Holiday Planning Guide for Moms!

Click Here For Your Free Planning Guide

Hi! I’m Darlynn Childress, a life and parent coach.


If you have ever thought “Something must be wrong with me because everyone else seems to have it together


..and felt completely overwhelmed by parenting,


You aren’t alone. 


I talk to over 100 moms a month and everyone walks around worried about the same shit.


Mom guilt, stress, and overwhelm are the main reasons moms yell and don’t feel calm about their kid’s behavior. 


I’m calling bullshit on the expectation that it’s just ok for moms to be over-taxed, over-scheduled, and overwhelmed. 


Enough. It’s time to Say No To Holiday Burnout. 


Let me show you how.